As a library of extensive cases, OCIN Cases offer elegant and advanced reference and “take home” knowledge kit to improve your clinical practice.
Operator: Prof. Qinhai Huang, Reviewer: Prof. Jianmin Liu
A 57-year old female presented with dizziness for 1 month and was diagnosed with multiple intracranial aneurysms. The anterior communicating aneurysm was a large and wide-neck lesion, involving bilateral A2 segment, which was successfully treated using T-stent-assisted Coiling.Author: Prof. Yongxin Zhang, Reviewer: Prof. Jianmin Liu
A sixty-seven years old male with the chief complaint of severe headache for 3 hours was diagnosed with the left ruptured aneurysm at the A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery, which was successfully treated with coiling.Authors: Prof. Yongxin Zhang & Prof. Dongwei Dai, Reviewer: Prof. Jianmin Liu
A sixty-two years old female with the chief complaint of severe headache and vomiting for 1 day was diagnosed with the right ruptured aneurysm at the posterior communicating artery. During the procedure with coiling, a coil escape to A1 segment. So we used a handmade microwire-snare device to retrieve the migrated coil.Author: Prof. Yu Zhou, Reviewer: Prof. Jianmin Liu
A 67-year-old female patient was presented with headache for 3 months. Angiogram indicated a left internal carotid artery cavernous segment giant aneurysm. She was treated with Tubridge flow diverter, 6-month follow-up angiogram showed complete occlusion of the aneurysm.Author: Prof. Kaijun Zhao, Reviewer: Prof. Jianmin Liu
A forty-two years old male with the chief complaint of headache for 1 month was diagnosed with the right carotid-ophthalmic segment aneurysm, which was successfully treated with stent-assisted coiling through distal radial artery approach for the difficulty of femoral artery approach.